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June 8, 2016

Town of Princeton, Mass. – June 8, 2016 – 9:00 am
Meeting Minutes -  PBMLP

9:00 AM   Meeting opened with PBMLP members Stan Moss, chair, Edith Morgan, Jon Fudeman and Asst. Mgr. Marty Dell’Erba, Phil Leaman, Bill Dino, and residents.

        The board opened up the meeting to review designee letter to Peter Larkin of MBI assigning Marty Dell’Erba as designee and Nina Nazarian as alternate. This letter will designate a single point of contact with MBI and will allow the designee to begin filling out “Request for Readiness Check” form now required by MBI. Marty Dell’Erba reviewed the letter, purpose and direction given to him by Bill Enenn of MBI. The letter also contained a question to Mr. Larkin as to confirming or denying MBI will act as liaison between the Town and Comcast.

The board voted to accept and send the letter to Mr. Larkin and to authorize Marty to complete the Readiness Check Request Form.

        Discussion around researching leasing of dark fiber to communications towers took place, with the Board asking Marty to continue work on getting “hard numbers” which may provide positive information to residents. Resident Bill Dino stated microwave links presently between Princeton and Holden could benefit from a fiber connection. Jon Fuedman stated dark fiber leasing revenue could potentially have a positive impact on our business model and would like to prioritize attaining that information.

        Marty shared a conversation with a resident who was opposed to the project, now is a supporter based on the information and eloquent presentation from resident Dave Hilton during our June 1,st meeting. Edith Morgan stated increased information flow to Town residents would benefit Connecting Princeton and increase awareness and would like information sessions planned.

The meeting was adjourned at 10:00 AM

Respectfully submitted by: Marty Dell’Erba Asst. PBMLP Manager

PBMLP referenced documents or correspondence:   Letter to the MBI